How to Find the SaaS Apps Used in Your Organisation Through Automated MarTech Stack Auditing

Learn how to easily audit your Martech stack using automated auditing with Martechbase

How to Find the SaaS Apps Used in Your Organisation Through Automated MarTech Stack Auditing
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For marketing leaders and marketing ops professionals, the challenge of identifying all the SaaS apps in use across an organisation can be daunting. In this article, I'll introduce a streamlined method to effortlessly discover these applications through Automated MarTech Stack Auditing using Martechbase.

What is a Martech Stack Audit?

In the evolving landscape of digital business, the MarTech (Marketing Technology) stack is a critical component that underpins an organisation's ability to execute marketing strategies, manage customer relationships, and even optimise internal workflows. While the MarTech stack's importance is universally acknowledged, what is often overlooked is the necessity for periodic audits of this technology stack. So, what exactly is a Martech stack audit?
A MarTech stack audit is a systematic evaluation of all the marketing technology tools and software—commonly known as SaaS (Software as a Service) apps—that your organisation utilises. This audit aims to identify redundancies, assess the effectiveness of each tool, and ultimately ensure that your MarTech investments are aligned with your organisational goals. The process typically involves cataloguing all tools in use, gauging their performance metrics, and assessing their strategic fit within the larger marketing ecosystem of your organisation.
Given the scale and intricacies of this task, automating the auditing process can save both time and effort.
That's where Martechbase comes in.

Auto-scanning your website for Martech and SaaS apps

Martechbase offers an automated solution to simplify the MarTech stack auditing process. By employing real-time scanning, Martechbase allows you to effortlessly discover and catalogue the SaaS apps utilised across your organisation. Here's how it works:
1. Sign up for a free Martechbase account. You will be prompted to enter your website URL.
2. The first time you sign into your dashboard, Martechbase will ask to scan your site. Just click ‘Show me the apps we have’ and it will begin its automated scanning process.
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3. Scanning occurs nearly in real time. Within a matter of seconds, you'll be presented with a list detailing every application that Martechbase has identified as currently active on your website. From this point, you have the option to add each tool individually or opt to include them all at once.
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Tip: Adding apps in bulk is a premium feature; however, you have the option to start a 14-day free trial to gain access to this functionality and more. You can cancel at any time.
4. Following the initial scan, you can re-scan your website whenever you choose. Simply navigate to Apps > Find your Apps and click 'Show me the apps we have'.
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5. Refer back to this section as a starting point for tracking all existing SaaS apps on your website. This will provide you with a fresh list of applications to consider. From here, you can make informed decisions about which apps you would like to track and document more closely within Martechbase.
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Refining your stack and adding context

While Martechbase offers powerful capabilities for identifying the SaaS applications in use across your organisation, it naturally focuses on certain types of data. For a more comprehensive view of your Martech stack, you'll want to combine the automated insights provided by Martechbase with your internal knowledge, getting to a holistic view of your organisation's Martech landscape. For example, in Martechbase the default category for HubSpot is Marketing Automation & Campaign Management, but you may want to decide to tag it under, say, Email Marketing or Marketing Analytics.
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Similarly, Martechbase won't specify who owns each tool within your organisation or how various applications might be interconnected. This information is often best gathered through internal knowledge, so take the time to capture this level of detail as it will dramatically improve your reporting out of Martechbase.

What you get automatically from Martechbase

  • App name
  • Logo
  • Category
  • Sub-category
  • Website
  • Social networks (X, Facebook, LinkedIn)
  • Support contact email and phone
  • Company overview
  • Founded year
  • HQ location
  • Company size
  • Annual revenue
  • Alexa ranking

Information you can refine based on your own knowledge of the MarTech stack

  • Tool owner
  • Billing cycle
  • Usage frequency
  • Connected apps
  • Related documents


A Martech stack audit is crucial for ensuring that your SaaS applications are optimally serving your organisation's needs. While the task may appear daunting, Martechbase offers an automated, efficient, and accurate method for conducting these audits. By embracing automated solutions, organisations can save valuable time, ensure compliance, and more strategically align their Martech investments.
In a digital age where every tool can impact your organisation's bottom line, taking the time to understand your Martech landscape is not just advisable—it's essential. And thankfully, it's now more straightforward than ever.
Ready to audit your MarTech stack? Get your free Martechbase dashboard right here.

Written by

Agustín Rejón
Agustín Rejón

Agu Rejón is the Founder of Martechbase. He has worked in B2B Marketing Operations and Performance Marketing for more than 10 years and is fascinated by the role of technology in marketing and sales.